Ex-EastEnders star James Alexandrou explores the truth about Britain’s favourite illegal drug, from cannabis sold on the street to the hidden world of organised crime. EPISODE 1 OF 2. Exploring the use and effects of Britain’s most popular illegal drug. James Alexandrou was caught smoking cannabis by the tabloids when he left the soap. Now […]
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Hollannin kannabistribunaali 2010
Hollannin pääkaupungissa Haagissa järjestettiin toinen kannabistribunaali 3.5.2010, jossa oli mukana mm. Maastrichtin pormestarina vuosina 2002-2010 toiminut Gerd Leers, entinen poliisipäällikkö ja nykyinen Law Enforcement Against Prohibition -järjestön aktiviivi Hans van Duijin, sosiologi Nicole Maalste Utrechtin yliopistosta, vuosina 1971-1973 oikeusministerinä ja vuosina 1977-1982 pääministerinä toiminut kristillisdemokraattisen puolueen, CDA:n, edustaja Dries van Agt, joka loi nykyisen kannabiskahvilapolitiikan […]
Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting -järjestön videoreportaasi ”In Focus: Bolivia’s Coca Culture”
The coca plant, used in indigenous cultural rituals and traditional medicines, is also the main ingredient for cocaine. Bolivia is the third largest producer of coca and cocaine after Peru and Colombia. Despite pressure to cut back on coca farming, many Bolivians see few alternatives. Featured on Foreign Exchange with Daljit Dhaliwal the week of […]
BBC-dokumentti: Cannabis Britains Secret Farms
Presenter Rickie Haywood-Williams attempts to find out the true impact of the UK’s skunk-smoking habit and accompanies Avon and Somerset police on raids. In 2002, Britain produced 15 per cent of its own cannabis. In 2010 that figure is 90 per cent, and police around the country raid at least three factories every day. Organised […]
CNBC: Marijuana USA
More states are permitting the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes and the Obama administration has signaled relaxed enforcement of the industry in those states. Now, a new generation of marijuana entrepreneurs has emerged across America. They come from the unlikely fields of finance, politics, medicine and law, and they want to claim a stake […]
The Union – The Business Behind Getting High
Dokumentti kannabiksesta, kieltolaista ja sen historiasta. BC’s illegal marijuana trade industry has evolved into a business giant, dubbed by some involved as ’The Union’, Commanding upwards of $7 billion Canadian annually. With up to 85% of ’BC Bud’ being exported to the United States, the trade has become an international issue. Follow filmmaker Adam Scorgie […]
Helsingin underground – Timo Larmela ja huumeet
Timo Larmela kertoo Helsingin 1960-1970-lukujen undergroundkulttuurin suhteesta huumausaineisiin.